Leon Clowes
08 September 2021
Featured in Deptford X: 2021
What was your project at the Deptford X Festival?
Nan Kids – The Forgotten Adoptees. It was at St Nicholas Church (with the wonderful Concrete and Green) and in the Job Centre beer garden. It was spoken word, performance and audio pieces and two people cried and I had the best conversations with attenders afterwards.
Describe your studio or workspace.
My front room. It’s getting a bit cramped tbh. I could get rid of all my vinyl but that would hurt. Does anyone want to give me a studio space for a bit? I’m house trained.
What is inspiring you at the moment?
Astrology, flat earther, channelling and tarot YouTube gurus; the music of Sarah Davachi and Ann Margaret Hogan; the potential end of the world that is the perennial of the human condition; daily walks and meditation and dreaming of really good quality soft furnishings. And zero fat ‘Greek style’ yoghurt.
What does a typical workday look like for you?
The days start best with things at 20 I swore I never ever do, yet here I am now: yoga, exercise and meditation. Then it could be zooming a collaborator, journalling is part of my autoethnographic process, doing a damn fundraising bid, cooking fresh food as much as possible, walking a long time. Maybe start making something about 10pm at night when a deadline is unavoidable.
If Tate called you tomorrow and invited you to make work for the Turbine Hall, what would it be?
It would be Photon Love Bomb where I’m merging Turner landscapes with mobile phone photos of direct suns with stalls all around where you can get your astrological birth chart done or a numerology reading or tea leaves read or some palmistry.
Plug your next show/event! Or what words of support or encouragement would you like to share with your fellow artists?
There’s some really exciting stuff but I can’t yet say as it hasn’t been announced by the organisations! (So sign up to my website.) But I’m forever indebted to Deptford X for having the room to try out what’s ahead, and for being able to meet so many brilliant, kind and mind expandingly talented people. And my advice is – I’m 51. Only started this a year ago. Never ever ever tell yourself you’re too old or not good enough. You are, and I promise you, you are way more than what you might think is your best too.
Website: www.leonclowes.com
Instagram: @leonclowes

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