Deptford X 2017
Deptford X Festival 2017 consisting of: Platform, a set of five commissions for emerging artists in public space, Fringe, an expansive open programme of independent projects and a Special Project by D.A.T.A
Core Programme
Five emerging artists, five new works in public space. Introduced in 2016, the Platform programme sits alongside the Fringe at the heart of the festival. Each year 5 emerging artists are invited to produce ambitious new works for public sites around Deptford. The Platform artists are nominated by a panel of 5 experts — artists, teachers, curators and writers — who each provide 3 names and a statement explaining their selection. After further research and studio visits 5 artists are selected, one from each nominator, on the basis of how the projects will work together, and in relation to specific sites, in the context of the festival. The programme is intended to provide a group of emerging artists with support at a pivotal moment in their careers. This takes a number of forms: the opportunity to make and present new work; curatorial and operational support; expert feedback, mentoring and networking opportunities.
2017 nominators:
Heather Phillipson, Artist and Writer
Legacy Russell, Artist, Writer and Cultural Producer
Attilia Fattori Franchini, Writer and Curator
Haroon Mirza, Artist
Richard Parry, Director of Glasgow International
Platform Artists:
Evan Ifekoya
Project O
Sam Austen
Sisters From Another Mister
Tom Ireland
Special Projected by D.A.T.A (Deptford Anarchist Tapestry Association)
The Deptford anchor, far from being a symbol of security and safe mooring in turbulent currents, represents repeated displacements, dislocations and dissolutions. Attuned to this contradiction, D.A.T.A. intend to counter the weight of specific (para-)local histories by attaching other anchors (anchors dense not with the weight of iron but of history) to various undesirable developments and floating them above the town.
Director: Patrick Henry
Deputy Director: Thea Smith
Festival Assistant, Communications and Volunteers: Nephertiti Schandorf
Festival Assistant, Programme Delivery: Hector Dyer