Carnival reimagined #5
22 August 2020
Deptford X Residency update
Studio vibes – working in progress as of 23:00 hrs – dancing whilst painting to playlist from my sound system @disyajeneration 🔊🔊🔊💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥- Deptford Market regulars might recognise a certain head attire 🤗 – Of course with its beautiful colour, it couldn’t be left there – Can you make any other connections from these photos? – Can you guess my mood? – Can you guess the tunes I’m being inspired to create these pieces to? Who else has a classic boombox? 🔊🔊🔊
I have no idea how these canvases will turn out, so let’s see!
On a reflective note, R.I.P. to Ken Robinson inspirational TED talk speaker who sadly passed away today. If you haven’t watched his talk on How schools kill creativity, I can highly recommend it.
@linett_kamala @deptfordx
#residency #dxonline2020 #deptfordx
#linettkamala #carnivalreimagined
#howtobetogetheragain #deptford #lewisham #abstract #expressive #nottinghillcarnival

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