Margaret Jennings
Eco-lens Launching Points Stimuli >>> Remapping Urban-Side Recovery Methods

Linking Shared Climate Change Local > Global Future-Life Concerns to Focusing On Discovering Everyday Positive Eco-Recovery-Actions.
Offering photographic urban Eco-observations linked to locally found Climate Change concerns. Aiming to stimulate ideas on the need for community urban green Remapping.
Examples: Allowing lichen as pollution indicators to flourish and wildflower seed-planting for biodiversity.
This Ecoart participative activism chimes with UN Goals: CC, Education, Life-in-Cities and Well-being. Offering photographic urban eco-observations linked to Climate Change concerns.
Aiming to stimulate ideas on the need for community urban green remapping.
Examples: allowing lichen as pollution indicators to flourish and wildflower seed planting for biodiversity.This Ecoart work chimes with UN Goals: Climate Change, Education, Life in Cities and Well-being.
With thanks to Althea Greenan, The Women’s Art Library Goldsmiths UOL.
Opening Information
Sat 24, 11am – 4.30pm
Check in with security at the entrance of Goldsmiths Library. Digital Screen Viewing on ground floor by Special Collections door.