Fringe 2019
Taylor Bystrom, Annie Jordan, Taryn O'Reilly, Jaki Rance
The Family - Home #1 (Location 2)

The Family – Home will open the doors for those that want to take a look at their particular slice of life.The group endeavours to represent the acceptance and love that Deptford has to offer, set against an increasingly hostile world.
Taylor Bystrom is a transgender American pop artist living in London. His work involves identity, personal narrative, and storytelling combined with 3D interactive elements.
Taryn O’Reilly is an American artist living and practicing in London. Her sculptures and installations are meant to explore conceptions, or rather our misconceptions, of intimacy. O’Reilly engages with vulnerability in a realm beyond confessional art-making practices in order to question ideologies of femininity, sexuality, and identity.
Annie Jordan’s work examines our relationship with the natural world and landscape. Using found and disused household materials, teamed with drawing and mixed media. Jordan endeavors to look at the ‘outside-in’ and the ‘inside out’.
Jaki Rance is a sound artist. ‘Making All things New’ is an audio and mixed media installation exploring the private life of a family home in Deptford. Using paintings and sound the participant experiences a sample of life.
Opening Times
Fri 25, Sat 26, Sun 27, Wed 30 Oct, Fri 1, Sat 2, Sun 3 Nov
12 – 5pm
Wednesday 4 – 6 pm
Workshops on Sundays
Acknowledgments: Patrick Brown, Gabrielle Laugier Davis, Marina Morris, Andy Watson, Chris Schwarz, Kimberley Walker