Carnival reimagined #12
29 August 2020
Deptford X Residency update
Process & inspiration 💛❤️💜
If I pause for one moment and consider some of what has happened during this global Covid19 pandemic over the past few months (Mar – Aug 2020) it can be easily become overwhelming. Like many of you reading this post, I have experienced loss, witnessed illness and behaviours which brought out a range of emotions. A complete shift in our lives. On top of everything, through social media many witnessed or learned about the sickening incidents which sadly have been experienced / endured by black people for hundreds of years. (Much love to those who were moved to make personal changes and continue to do so now that BLM is no longer trending x).
So unsurprisingly for me, and perhaps many fellow artists, that it is amongst this surreal & challenging times, that I seek solace in my art and being around fellow creatives as we express ourselves through our work.
The phenomenal musician Nina Simone, who I was fortunate to meet in person, said “it’s an artist’s duty to reflect the times”, I agree and think when we look back at the work artists have produced during these Covid times, it will also reveal a great deal about the artist’s mind #💛#💜 #❤️- So yeah, swipe to get a glimpse into mine, and what I reimagined when I first came across face masks 😷 on mannequins in Deptford Market, SE London. #foreverlove #optimistic #joy
Thank you @azarraamoy @safalalaala @pastakebab Sarah & Nathalie 😘
This post is a week behind due to @nhcarnivalldn

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Carnival reimagined #8
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